Punissabilité du responsable rédactionnel d’un média ne s’opposant pas à une publication constituant une infraction pénale, iusNet DP-PP 26.08.2024 Loris Bertoliatti summarizes the Swiss Supreme Court’s decision 6B_1033/2023 dated…
Besoins propres du bailleur: exigences assouplies, Le Journal de l’Immobilier, 30.10.2024 On 24 November 2024, the Swiss people will be asked to vote on an amendment to the law…
Patrick Blaser comments in Le Journal de l’Immobilier the Swiss Supreme Court’s decision 1C_458/2022 dated 12 February 2024 concerning the appeal from various nature conservation associations against a new project…
Detailed overview of the elements constituting the criminal offense punishable under article 322septies of the Swiss Criminal Code (bribery of foreign public officials). Loris Bertoliatti summarizes the Swiss Supreme Court’s…
In the latest edition of the journal “Successio”, Julia Henninger and Balz Hösly examine the recent decision of the Swiss Supreme Court on the valuation of companies that depend on…
Josef Alkatout, Esq., Head of family law, comments in the Tribune de Genève, a decision rendered by the Swiss Supreme Court on visitation rights of an “intended parent” regarding children…
Josef Alkatout, Esq., Head of family law, comments in the Tribune de Genève, a decision from the Swiss Supreme Court about the mandatory indication of the citizens’ gender in the…
In this article published by Le Temps, Me Alkatout outlines the financial changes for same-sex couples since the legislative amendment allowing them to marry came into effect.
A reminder from the Federal Court: in his latest column in the Journal de l’Immobilier, in partnership with Le Temps, Me Patrick Blaser reviews a recent decision of the Federal Court (TF,…
In the columns of Le Temps, Josef Alkatout discusses the Federal Court’s decision 5A_755/2020 of 16 March 2021, which redefines homoparentality. He notes that the interest of the child replaces the consanguineous link as…
Josef Alkatout shares his opinion on the decision of the Federal Court 5A_311/2019 of 11 November 2020 in an article entitled “Les contributions d’entretien d’enfant en voie de changement” published in the columns of…
The partial revision of the Swiss Copyright Act (CA) came into force on 1 April 2020. Its main aim is to adapt copyright to the digital age, in particular by…
In a decision of 29 July 2019, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled that a company that operates a website to sell its products and inserts Facebook’s “like” button…
Borel & Barbey has taken part to the consultation of the draft Financial Services Ordinance (FinSO), Financial Institutions Ordinance (FinIO) and the Supervisory Organisation Ordinance (SOO). To access our position paper…
The Memorandum of Case Law summarizes a selection of decisions for the given period (in French).