Priorité aux contribuables genevois, Le Journal de l’Immobilier, 05.02.2025 Geneva’s Grand Council and Council of State have just adopted amendments to the General Law on Development Zones (LGZD) and its…
Priorité aux contribuables genevois, Le Journal de l’Immobilier, 05.02.2025 Geneva’s Grand Council and Council of State have just adopted amendments to the General Law on Development Zones (LGZD) and its…
Une restriction du droit de participer du prévenu est-elle admissible lorsqu’une confrontation, même indirecte, avec ce dernier est susceptible d’entrainer un grave traumatisme pour la partie plaignante ?, iusNet DP-PP…
Il y a immeuble ancien et immeuble ancien!, Le Journal de l’Immobilier, 11.12.2024 Under what conditions can a building be classified as old, allowing rents to be set based…
“The Sale of Misattributed Artworks and Antiques at Auction”, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2024 Borel & Barbey is pleased to announce the publication of the second edition of The Sale…
Punissabilité du responsable rédactionnel d’un média ne s’opposant pas à une publication constituant une infraction pénale, iusNet DP-PP 26.08.2024 Loris Bertoliatti summarizes the Swiss Supreme Court’s decision 6B_1033/2023 dated…
Besoins propres du bailleur: exigences assouplies, Le Journal de l’Immobilier, 30.10.2024 On 24 November 2024, the Swiss people will be asked to vote on an amendment to the law…
Pesée d’intérêts en lien avec le droit au respect de la vie privée et familiale devant être effectuée par les juridictions internes en matière d’expulsion obligatoire d’un condamné étranger, iusNet…
In the latest edition of le Journal de l’Immobilier, Borel & Barbey partner Patrick Blaser takes the headline with his article discussing the recent decision 1C_138/2023 dated 10 June 2024,…
Josef Alkatout has contributed to the Swiss chapter in Family Law of the 2025 International Comparative Legal Guide (ICLG). This chapter provides in-depth insights into some of the most pressing…
In the latest edition of le Journal de l’Immobilier, Borel & Barbey partner Patrick Blaser takes the headline with his article discussing the recent decision (ATF 4A_75/2022 dated 30 July…
Josef Alkatout, Head of Family Law, comments in the Tribune de Genève on the Swiss Supreme Court’s decision 5A_127/2023, which redefines the term of “concubinage” or “common-law marriage” after one…
The Swiss Supreme Court ruled that incriminating statements collected during a hearing in which the accused’s right to take part in the taking of evidence has not been guaranteed remain…
Loris Bertoliatti summarizes the Swiss Supreme Court’s decision 6B_1065/2023 dated 17 May 2024 (intended for publication) in French on the online platform iusNet Droit pénal et Procédure pénale of Schulthess…
Guest writer for the Tribune de Genève, Josef Alkatout comments in his latest article on the decrease in child abduction cases, partially attributing this trend to the 2016 landmark decision…
The Swiss Supreme Court specifies the circumstances in which a “threat” made against an authority or public officials is strong enough to constitute an offence under article 285 of the…